TC United Frequently Asked Questions

Why play for TC United?

TC United is the only US Club competitive soccer program in Thurston County! We offer the most affordable competitive soccer experience in the area. Our teams compete at the select, premier, and national premier level. Some of our players also play for the WPL Academy or Elite Player Development (EPD) state teams. Under the guidance of our Director of Coaching, our licensed and certified coaches are committed to helping each player achieve their full potential.

What are the benefits of playing competitive soccer? 

The benefits are licensed coaching staff, higher level competition, more intensive skills development, longer seasons, more playing opportunities, more training sessions, and having teammates who share a common commitment for becoming high level soccer players. Players who strive to play on their high school or college soccer teams will benefit from the high quality soccer training they receive from playing competitive soccer. Competitive soccer gives an aspiring player more opportunities to develop their skills at a young age so that they can reach their true potential.

What is the annual TC United club fee and what does it cover? 

We offer the most affordable competitive soccer program in the area - about half the cost of the nearest competitor. View the annual playing year fees to see the fees and what it covers. The TC United club fee pays for the costs associated with the delivery of the year-round program. 

 Annual program fees are collected after tryouts and the player is selected and joins the team. Parents may opt to pay the fee in full or a payment plan is available to allow parents to break up the fee into installments. A portion of annual club charges can be defrayed with a financial aid grant for qualified and approved applicants. Financial aid applications are available on the document download section of our website. Please note that we do not have an automatic payment system, and monthly installment must be manually paid by account holders.

What age does my child have to be to play for TC United?

Competitive soccer typically begins at the U10 age group. TC United does not generally recommend that children “play up” except in circumstances where the coach or Director of Coaching identifies that a child is specifically capable of competing with players who are older. TC United follows the birth-year age chart provided by US Soccer. 

What is the level of commitment?

Teams will train at minimum two times a week for most of the year. Coaches and players also have access to supplemental training on Fridays. From U10-U14 every team plays in a Fall league and Spring league. For U15+ (the high school ages) the boys play their competitive season in the Fall/Winter and the girls play their season in the Winter/Spring (with some games commencing in summer). Teams will also participate in three tournaments each year (typically two in the Summer and one in the Winter/Spring). Tournaments and league may require travel and overnight stays in other cities, with older teams generally requiring to travel more than younger teams, and due consideration is always given to school and holiday schedules. The U10 Developmental WPL division plays every game at Starfire in Tukwila.

My child is playing for a different soccer club or association, can I still have him/her tryout for TC United?

Yes, any youth player of the correct age can tryout for TC United. If selected for a team, we will register him/her with the appropriate state and national associations and acquire any necessary player releases and player cards. Once selected to a TC United team, they may not play for a team in a differnt association or with a differnt club.

Can my child play for a recreational team while still playing for TC United?

Players may participate on their school soccer team. In addition, if a player is already playing on a recreational team at the time of tryouts and then accepts an offer to join TC United, players may complete their recreational league commitments. At the start of the Fall season, per Thurston County Youth Soccer Association, players are no longer allowed to play in a recreational club or league if registered with a competitive club, including TC United.

How do the tryouts work?

Tryouts are conducted annually, over the course of two 1.5 hour sessions for each age group. For more information about tryouts please visit our tryouts page. If you missed tryouts and are interested in joining TC United during mid-season, please visit the Join TC United Page or contact our Director of Coaching.

How many players make the team?

Our standing rule when forming teams is players on the field plus four. However, each team has different circumstances. This is why we give coaches and our Director of Coaching the final discretion when creating a roster. Coaches may choose to have fewer than the maximum number of players on their team rosters to provide more flexibility with playing time, or they may choose to have the maximum amount of players on their roster to prepare for potential absences during the year. 

Do all players get equal playing time?

 Playing time in competitive soccer will depend on game circumstances, the competitive situation, and player performance. Equal playing time is not guaranteed. Performance-based playing time includes individual effort, commitment, performance in training and games, and other factors determined by the coach. As the players mature, performance-based playing time becomes more of a factor within a competitive team environment. If players are concerned about their playing time, they should talk to their coach to find out what they can do to earn more playing time. It's important for players (and parents) to understand that our club believes in long-term player development. With consistent effort over time, an individual player can improve and give themselves an opportunity for more playing time. 

When does training start? How many practices per week?

Training starts in June after tryouts are completed and team rosters are set. Most teams practice two times a week and supplemental training is offered on Fridays. Players can also get additional training by practicing with other teams that are comparable in age or skill as long as both coach's give permission. 

Where are training sessions held?

TC United considers the Regional Athletic Complex in Lacey as its primary practice facility, although we also conduct trainings at soccer specific parks and schools around area. When grass fields are closed from November through March, we utilize turf fields at the RAC (soccer field and baseball infields) and local high school turf fields. 

How long is the season?

All TC United teams U10-U14 participate in a Fall league, which generally runs from early September to mid-December and a spring league from February to April. Teams will also play in various summer tournaments in preparation for the fall season and in the Washington Cup, a postseason state tournament. 

NOTE: High School aged players (Boys and Girls U15+) will play their competitive soccer season opposite of their high school season. Boys will play for their TC United team in the fall and winter league and join their high school team for Spring. Girls will play high school in the fall and join their TC United team for an early winter/spring league.

When are games played?

League games are usually played on Saturdays or Sundays during daylight hours (9AM to 6PM). Some games or scrimmages may be played on lighted fields after 6PM, but games will typically not be scheduled for late in the evening (kick off after 9pm). Some make-up games may be scheduled for weekday evenings. Summer tournament games typically follow this type of format: 1 Friday game, 1-2 Saturday games, and 1-2 Sunday games depending on advancement. 

Where are games played?

TC United typically plays its home games in Lacey, utilizing the Regional Athletic Complex as our main home field. Games could also be played at other local parks or schools in Thurston County. Depending on the division a team is participating in, away games will be played as close as Tacoma, SeaTac, and Tukwila and as far away as Vancouver, Portland, Yakima, the Tri-Cities, or Spokane. 

Tournament locations will vary in geographic location. Younger teams will be more likely to participate in local area tournaments, whereas older teams may travel across the state for higher level tournaments.

U10 games are played at Starfire Sports Complex in Tukwila and Ravensdale Park.  

Are there "away" tournaments that would require staying overnight?

Yes, some tournaments may require overnight stays, especially for older teams. This is usually decided between the coach, Director of Coaching, and the parents for each team. Some teams may choose to travel and stay together, while others may prefer to arrange for individual travel plans. While tournament registration fees are typically included in your annual playing fees, teams will incur additional out-of-pocket expenses for away tournaments such as meals, lodging, transportation, etc. 

Do the teams play at different competitive levels?

Yes, TC United teams play at the premier (divisions 1-2) and select (divisions 3-6) competition levels of the Washington Premier League (WPL). The league competition level is determined by tournament results and previous league play. Teams who do well in league play can be "promoted" to higher divisions. Teams can also be "relegated" to lower level competition. The WPL is a competitive US Club Soccer league. The league is open to all clubs within Washington State and northern Idaho that are affiliated with US Club Soccer. 

What is the difference between the "Navy" and "White" TC United teams?

When the tryout process allows, TC United may form more than one team in the same age and gender division. The first team is designated as Navy, and the second team is designated as White. Navy and White are the club's primary uniform colors. The makeup and character of each team is at the discretion of the coaches and Director of Coaching based off of tryout evaluations. Teams generally train separately, but often coaches work together so that the needs of the players of the entire group are met. "White" teams play a full schedule of tournaments and train as often as their "Navy" team counterparts. The "White" teams are frequently very good and it is not unheard of for them to beat the "Navy" team in scrimmages. The club strives to provide equal training resources for all teams in an effort to help each and every player reach their potential.

Do I have to participate in fundraising?

There is no club requirement to participate in fundraising. However, fundraising is a necessary part of any volunteer organization. Fundraising and/or donations serves to reduce the cost of participation for all team members and enables a team to provide financial assistance when necessary. All parents and players are encouraged to participate in club or team fundraising activities. 

What participation is expected of parents?

TC United is run by volunteers, and each family is encouraged to volunteer at either the team or club level – or both! We prefer that our coaches concentrate on coaching and leave the organization and management of the team to the parents. There are a wide variety of volunteer positions available within each team such as assistant coach, team manager, volunteer or fundraising coordinator, and party planner. Club volunteers can assist with tryouts, college nights, or get involved with our committee or board. 

Can I donate to TC United for operating costs, tournament fees, or other expenses?

Yes, please contact our Program Coordinator at for details on how to contribute. TC United is a 501c3 non-profit organization, so all or part of your contribution may be tax deductible. Your employer might also have a charitable donation matching program which could allow you to increase your donation to TC United.

What is your relationship with Chinqually Booters Soccer Club?

TC United is the competitive program of our parent club Chinqually Booters Soccer Club. Chinqually offers recreational soccer and allows anyone to play from Super Mod (U4-U7), Mod (U8-U11) and Full Field (U12-U18). TC United does not have teams until U10 and requires a player be evaluated at a tryout before being asked to join. While TC United has its own bylaws and operating procedures, we fall under the governance of Chinqually Booters Soccer Club and its Board of Directors.

What is the difference between TC United and Chinqually?

Chinqually Booters Soccer Club is a recreational program only, which means that all players have the opportunity to participate – all they have to do is sign up! Players are usually randomly assigned to a team without regard to his/her abilities and skill level. While it’s preferred that players attend as many practices as possible, the commitment level is usually far less intense and minimum playing times are guaranteed.

TC United is the competitive program of Chinqually. The terms “Select,” “Premier,” and “Competitive” soccer are often used interchangeably, although there is a difference in the terms. Competitive is generally used to indicate that players must tryout and be chosen by the evaluators and coaching staff to make the roster for a team, unlike recreational soccer where everyone that signs up is guaranteed a spot on a team. The “Competitive” designation requires more commitment then recreational with 2-3 training sessions per week, 2-4 tournaments per year, state-wide travel, and a club expectation that soccer is your primary sport during its specific season. Our teams compete at the select, premier, and national premier competitive levels.

More Resources

Director of Coaching

About TC United