TC United Coaching Staff
Even with an all-volunteer staff, all of our head coaches hold a minimum of a National E or an NSCAA Level 6 however, many of our coaches have much higher credentials. TC United works with the WPL, US Club, and United Soccer Coaches to offer as much coaching education opportunities to our coaching staff as we can. We are committed to helping each player meet their full potential.
G15 | Konni Hansen | Nate Gollehon |
G14 | Konni Hansen | Nate Gollehon | Aly Prohim |
G13 | Andy Barenberg | Zak Cushing | Konni Hansen | Nate Gollehon |
G12 | Dan Martinez | Dave Merchant | Josh Halsey |
G11 | Dennis Gonzales | Katie Madinger |
G10 | Kevin Forde-Nihipali |
G09 | Yvonne Yourkoski |
G08 | Kevin Forde-Nihipali | Aly Prohim |
G07 | Michael Blondin |
GK Coach | Brendan Gribek | Blayke Warner |
Director of Coaching | Kyle Jones |
Assistant Director of Coaching | Anwar Wilson |
B15 | Matt Hernandez |
B14 | Jacob D'Annunzio | Josh Halsey |
B13 | Matt Kernutt | Matt Hernandez |
B12 | Nick Benton | Jack Vetas |
B11 | Chris Ed | Nick Cronquist |
B10 | Heather Arney | Nate Gollehon | Konni Hansen |
B09 | Mike Campbell |
B08 | Kevin Forde-Nihipali | Daniel Tuesta |
B07 | Adam, Lukomski |
B06 | Matt Welling | Jesse Elisalda |
Director of Coaching | Kyle Jones |
Assistant Director of Coaching | Anwar Wilson |
GK Coach | Brendan Gribek | Blayke Warner |